Monday, March 12, 2012

Jain Munishri Ajit Chandra Sagarji Maharaj

Jain Munishri Ajit Chandra Sagarji Maharaj has a recitation
speed of 18 to 22 syllables per second leading to the world
record. Ajitji achieved this commendable talent through
extreme meditation, silent fasts and deep scriptural studies.
Not using any mental tricks, Ajitji is able to awaken his 
sub- conscious mind to retain and recall multiple events. 
It is learnt that the saint has memorized more than 22,000
shlokas including 22 out of 45 Jain Holy Scriptures.

At a recent event in the city, Ajitji observed 200 facts by facing
various questions, proverbs, names, mathematical puzzles,
visuals and audio. He then recollected the entire procedure and
recited it in ascending, descending and random order.
Hundreds of devotees, observers and the general public were
present to notice and experience the act. The main motive
behind the event was to shape and cultivate the minds of
Young India for increasing their memory power, 
concentration and overall IQ level thereby strengthening
the intellectual and moral framework.

At a deeper and subtler level, the objective was to showcase to 
mankind, the unlimited powers of the soul and inspire
humankind to unlock these latent powers.

It is a clear observation that most human beings can 
remember 8 to 10 events sequentially.

The Indian ancient literature is replete with references of 
saints and scholars in demonstrating this ability to 
remember 100 things or more in a single act of attention. 
It is learnt that Ajitji has taught and guided about 8,000
youngsters and children to develop the capacity.

^^ ^^ ^^

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